Arch Tea Time: 2020-09-03


  • Topics for Tuesday’s Arch Study Group

  • Meta conversation on Arch Tea Time +2

    • Including more folks outside of Platform Theme

      • Note: Some teams have demos at 2:30pm

        • Unless we standardize on meetings throughout the org, we’ll always have these conflicts.

    • Timezone sensitivity for Arbisoft folks

      • Wed’s at 10am - Tues at 11am

    • Topics beforehand

      • Can prioritize if we know the topic ahead of time

      • Reacji again?

      • Prioritize topics provided 24-hour in advance

    • Using lean-coffee style - with time limits helps

    • Advertise the existence of this meeting when folks onboard

  • Open edX +4

    • community participating in our architectural work

      • Loci: Slack, tea-time,, pull requests, OEPs, ADRs, JIRA

      • What would success look like? What has to change to make it happen?

    • Proposals

      • joining us at 1x a month Arch Tea ← Schedule, Agenda, etc @Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated) , @Jinder Singh (Deactivated)

        • Once a month calendar invite with community that will be recorded.

        • Prep agenda beforehand - in advance in Discourse

        • Tuesdays at 11am - just for this monthly one.

      • Shared slack channels (+1 Kyle)

        • meows and woofs as well!

        • #architecture (having something like #architecture-internal for closed arch discussions) ← @Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated)

        • #decentralized-devstack +1 (@Kyle McCormick (Deactivated) )

        • #devstack and/or #devstack-questions (@Kyle McCormick (Deactivated) )

        • #django

        • #fedx

        • Change Management

          • @Kyle McCormick (Deactivated), @Adam Blackwell (Deactivated), @Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated) will follow-up on this.

          • Post a poll in the current channel to ensure folks are cool with the change.

          • Follow the process to create the slack channel - Nim will share instructions

          • Ensure folks are aware of how to use/detect these channels

      • Idea for future: Slack reacji (like our #howto channel)

      • Discourse

    • Out of scope: Being consultants.

    • How to get Open edX community involved in decentralized devstack discussions and development?

  • Question: e2e tests +1

    • Questions

      • Context: ecommerce e2e tests were failing for 3-4 business days and we were unable to deploy anything to ecommerce production

      • Purpose, overview of how they work, how/when/where are they run

      • Is there an inventory of all our e2e tests? e.g. which repos have them, which don’t

      • What's the difference between e2e-tests on build jenkins vs e2e tests for ecommerce (per

      • Evolution of e2e tests at edx

      • Who owns what part of e2e tests? (ie who do I talk to if they are broken)

    • e2e tests

      • edx-e2e-tests Jenkins job

        • Bokchoy-driven tests for interservice testing - used prior to us thinking more about API consumer contract tests

      • e-commerce has its own end-to-end tests

        • Intended to cover the happy path of the most important purchasing paths

        • Recent issues surfaced with Python upgrade when the Chrome version changed, etc, etc.

        • e-commerce is a high-risk business situation where there’s the value of this.

      • CI process

        • The e-commerce GoCD pipeline runs both the edx-e2e-tests and e-commerce e2e tests.

        • The edx-platform GoCD pipeline runs only the edx-e2e-tests.

      • Ownership

        • Purchase squad owns the e-commerce e2e tests.

        • Arch-BOM squad owns the edx-platform edx-e2e-tests.

  • Inform from @Adam Butterworth (Deactivated): BD-xx for Pattern Library is now completed - so no more Pattern Library in edx-platform

Backlog of Questions/Discussions

  • How can we improve our culture of async communication?

    • Idea: Discourse

  • React - Discussions Forum - editor input - draft JS

  • Branding: How can we keep branded edX Strings separate from the open source code (right now English string values are also edX-branded string values)

  • Future (when folks are not on PTO)

    • Q&A with Feanil on Inter-service Eventing

    • Observability with Robert

      • What are your biggest pain-points?

      • Any we should dive into (e.g JS Error alert fatigue)Type hinting: Do we want it? Everywhere or just in APIs? etc?

    • Shopping cart deprecation with Diana

      • lessons learned, knowledge sharing on dead code, etc.