XQueue/XQWatcher Development
For more general architectural details: XQueue/XQWatcher Architecture
So you need to develop/troubleshoot XQueue and its external grading? This page contains helpful details.
A devstack xqueue Docker container is available, which supports the same development as other Python/Django IDAs.
To run xqueue in devstack, use: make dev.up.xqueue
Local Development
Here’s the steps required to get a functional xqueue-watcher running locally (without codejail):
Start up the xqueue container in devstack.
make dev.up.xqueue
Run xqueue migrations to create DB tables.
make dev.shell.xqueue Then: # source ../xqueue_env # python manage.py migrate
Create a Django user to use for xqueue-watcher authentication into XQueue.
make dev.shell.xqueue Then: # source ../xqueue_env # python manage.py shell Then: >>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User >>> user = User.objects.create_user('lms', 'test@example.com', 'lms') >>> user.save()
Clone the xqueue-watcher repo.
git clone https://github.com/edx/xqueue-watcher.git
Create a Python 3.8 virtualenv.
Install the xqueue-watcher requirements.
pip install -r requirements/production.txt
Create a directory structure that mirrors the one below:
. └── root ├── 600 ├── config │ ├── conf.d │ │ └── 600.json │ └── logging.json └── xqueue-watcher ├── AUTHORS ├── LICENSE.TXT ├── Makefile ├── README.md ├── conf.d ├── coverage.xml ├── grader_support ├── load_test ├── openedx.yaml ├── requirements ├── setup.py ├── tests └── xqueue_watcher
Now, run the xqueue-watcher:
python -m xqueue_watcher -d ../config
If the xqueue-watcher doesn’t connect successfully, look at its debug logs to see why. The logs are output to stdout when bringing up xqueue-watcher.
To view the xqueue logs and look for errors/activity, run this devstack make command:
make dev.logs.xqueue
Suggested Future Development Work
Developing graders or fixes to xqueue-watcher is not easy! Here’s some suggested items to make things easier:
Provide a Docker devstack xqueue-watcher container
This container would be built with:
the same Python virtualenvs used in production
the same codejail environments (using AppArmor)
the ability to use arbitrary grading repos/code in the container
Make xqueue-watcher a Python module
Currently, several xqueue-watcher files are duplicated across grader repos - which is the very problem that Python modules are made to solve.
Have each grader install the xqueue-watcher Python module and derive its graders from the common code.
Would include a script/method for testing all grader code written by a course team.
Accepts a configuration file which specifies all tests to run.
Code to grade along with the expected results.
Define a clear best practice for writing graders.
Create an edX-written grader repo which demonstrates all the best practices.