Mongo Email Templates

Mongo Email Templates

Sample Email from Service Owner to Dev

Hi all,

<team name> is upgrading MongoDB from <old version> to <new version> in Devstack in preparation for upgrades in Sandbox, Stage and Prod. You will need to pull master and then run the upgrade_mongo.sh script that we’ve added to the devstack repo.

If you have questions that are not addressed in this email please let us know.


Q: What is Mongo used for?
A: MongoDB is used to store course content and forum posts. If you find any issues with course content or forums that may be related, please let <team> know.

Q: How do I upgrade my existing sandbox?
A: Rerun the CreateSandbox Jenkins Job with "recreate" unchecked. If you are using a branch in the "configuration_version" field other than "master" make sure the branch is rebased on top of master to get the mongo changes.


<engineer name>

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