AL: Content Tagging
AL: Content Tagging
Open edX Content Tagging
- edX Adaptive WG (2016)
Flexibility - Abstracting out the taxonomy concept as a separate authorable entity in the platform
- Versioning - taxonomies change over time
- Multi-alignment - multiple taxonomies associated with a single course/library
- Portability - transport across MOOC instances
- Content Tagging (2017)
- Product memo with incremental needs based on Credo's work
- Open Learning Initiative @ Stanford Semantic Tagging requirements (2014)
Learning objective = what student will be able to do by the end of the module
Learning objective contains skills (sub-objectives)
Skill = discrete concept or knowledge component, actionable for instructors
OLI courses have 30-50 learning objectives and 100-1,000 skills
Resource Tagging (2014) for Open Learning Initiative
- Tags to associate with course resources in a many-to-many relationship
- Categories of tags
- Tags and categories have names and descriptions
- Tags not in tracking events, but sent with course exports
- Content Tagging (2014)
- Use cases
- OLI's learning objectives and skills
- MIT's Backstage with learning objective graph and relationships
- Content library filtering
- Adaptive
- xBlock Asides proposed in contrast to Stanford's generic framework
- Use cases