LabXchange 2018-04-19
LabXchange 2018-04-19
- What are current thoughts on which parts of the LabX effort will be
- contributed back to and integrated into Open edX,
- enabled on edX.org, and/or
- kept as a separate open-source library?
- What are current thoughts on bringing edx.org content into BlockStore? Via LTI integration? Via a one-time migration? How, who, and where will content tagging take place? I understand from Gaurav that we want to make sure HarvardX and other edx.org content will be available in BlockStore early on.
- How shall we go about ensuring we have a Product-perspective on the design with a viable future path for edX.org's usage (of the subset of features that would be brought in)?
Expected Open edX Contributions
- LabX FE
- All of this will be LabX specific
- Possibly even closed-source
- LabX BE
- Ongoing project detail discussions on what get's integrated into Open edX.
- Discussions with edX Product, edX Engineering, OpenCraft and Harvard.
- For example, social/mentor networking.
- By keeping functionality modular and with integration points, can still make it open sourced, even if not used on edX.org.
- Ongoing project detail discussions on what get's integrated into Open edX.
- Hosting on edX.org
- Follow up later, including with Ed.
edX.org Content in BlockStore
- Gaurav will be making connections and partnerships with different edX.org course teams and learning platforms.
- Initially focusing on content related to Life Sciences.
- Make sure edX Legal is part of the discussion on the process for which data is publicly accessible via LabXchange, etc.
- Possible transition plan
- First, testing with just LabXchange.
- Then, update Content Libraries to use BlockStore instead of Modulestore.
- Migrating all existing edX.org content
- Need to make sure all permissions and licensing is set appropriately.
- Change Modulestore to use BlockStore instead
- Either migrate data or
- (Initially) copy and synch data between stores
Next Steps
- Carly: Schedule weekly design meetings - preferably Thurs or Friday afternoons
- Ian will be starting in the summer
- UX designs will also start in the summer
, multiple selections available,