API AuthN/AuthZ Thoughts
API AuthN/AuthZ Thoughts
Authentication protocol
- Session Auth versus JWT Auth for Browser FE?
- Decision: converging on a single Auth (OAuth+JWT) for mobile apps, browser apps, and external apps may result in a simpler implementation for API developers.
- If JWT
- Store JWT tokens in Session Cookies or in LocalStorage?
- If Cookies: Backend middleware to retrieve JWT token from session cookie before Django Authentication middleware?
- Security (To be answered)
- What are security repercussions of Implicit Grant and how to protect against them?
- For example, what should the Redirect URL be to protect against misuse of retrieving the OAuth Client ID from JS?
- How do we revoke a token once it's been given out?
- Example patterns: blacklists, versioned tokens, API gateway translation (opaque keys from client, API gateway translates into JWT to service)
- What are security repercussions of Implicit Grant and how to protect against them?
- Is it okay for clients to inspect the JWT payload for information, or should they treat JWTs as effectively opaque?
- Consideration: Yes, clients can inspect in order to avoid additional calls to the backend for "simple" data such as username. JWT tokens are versioned.
- Store JWT tokens in Session Cookies or in LocalStorage?
- Frontend applications should use OAuth2 Authentication to access Backend APIs.
- Mobile apps already do this. New (fully split) FE applications would also do so.
- Each Micro-Frontend would have its own OAuth2 Client-ID to authenticate to the Authorization Server and to associate with its own requested Scopes.
- For example, a Learner Support (admin portal) micro-frontend may have grades:write scope, but a Learner Content Consumption (learner portal) micro-frontend would have only grades:read.
- OAuth2 tokens should be stored and transported via Session Cookies, with appropriate security protections.
OAuth Scopes
- Should it include end-user permissions as well as the application's limitations?
- If yes, how do we separate ownership between microservices and centralized auth service?
- Consideration: No. See API Authorization Notes.
- Alternatively, see how Scopes can be used for Roles-based Access Control: https://wso2.com/library/articles/2015/12/article-role-based-access-control-for-apis-exposed-via-wso2-api-manager-using-oauth-2.0-scopes/.
- How are scopes defined/managed? Feature-based or service-based?
Auth Service
- Status quo; keep Auth service embedded within LMS. Just fix all other IDAs.
- Externalize Auth service from LMS; move out all auth-related code from the LMS into a separate library.
- Initially it can run in its own service, while sharing the database with the LMS.
- Eventually it can migrate its data from the LMS to the new service.
- Use a new Open Source library, like KeyCloak that handles all auth-related features. Focus on migration of LMS and other IDAs.
- Use an external SaaS platform, like Auth0, with integration points for Open edX to plugin their own.
, multiple selections available,
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