LabXchange 2018-06-18

LabXchange 2018-06-18

Desired Outcomes

  • Review edX and LabXchange user stories for:
    • Search & Tagging
    • Other areas of overlap


Types of Tagging
Content Tagging
User Tagging
Discussion Forums Tagging

Types of User Tagging
User Segmentation
User Proficiency = Content + User
Roles and Permissions

Types of Content Tagging
1. Author discovers content for authoring
2. Learner discovers content for consumption
3. Personal tags for later discovery - favorites/etc.
4. Adaptive

What tags?
1. Subject
2. Difficulty? Hard, medium, easy
3. School level? High school, undergrad, grad

Free-formed tag or Structured/Taxonomy-based?
Case studies - experiments happening at real-time
- some taxonomies imported into the system
- others are free-formed

Tagging technical implementation
1. 1 tagging service to rule them all, or
2. multiple tagging services with interfaces (with Blockstore having its own tagging service)

edX Use case
Marketing site - include content keywords/tagging from course content

Index Blockstore and pathway metadata and content in Elastic Search
For launch: 20 case studies and interactives

Question to help scope the project: If LabXChange use cases for "tagging" is limited to discoverability, can it be well supported with a focus on great advanced searching tools/features and defer content-tagging until later?