CET Repository - 2018-06-14
CET Repository - 2018-06-14
sits on Lucene on SQL
C#, ASP.net
- CET needs for repository
- manages "items" or "documents" = "units"
- managing metadata at the level of units, not blocks
- searching for units, not blocks
- unit has versions
- editing creates new version
- usage of unit - use a specific version
- have business rules around what is manually or automatically propagated
- as soon as a student enrollment happens, edits are no longer automatically propagated.
- learning context = learning environment
- searching for units in depot
- users search and drag n' drop in courses
- find unit only once, but select which version
- currently, each copied version is found - need to group them
- copy on edit
- 5% of teachers make changes in HS
- need to prep students for final exams - so want to personalize for the class or special needs students.
- search by where it is found
- topic of unit, description of unit
- CET Subtrees
- units are in either categories or trees
- course can have many levels
- permissions on units
- not everyone can open or see.
- permissions are assigned by the subtree
- depending on which tree it is located
- can duplicate subtrees
- subtrees of 100,000 of units doesn't scale
- Content tagging - looking at 3rd party solutions
- IBM Watson content tag - $250 / month
- Pimcore
- Common protocol for interchanging content between Open edX and CET's repository
, multiple selections available,