Arch Course Meeting Notes: 2018-10-23

Arch Course Meeting Notes: 2018-10-23


  • How do we spend our $150?
  • Bare minimum course 
    • How do we grow it? 
    •  Crowd source the work
      • Break down the tasks
      • Loop in the open source community
      • Work on content in course during this monthly meeting?
    • Get to first milestone first
      • What is our first milestone?
        • A basic arch onboarding course with assessments
    • Are we going to also add documentation to this course?
      • Maybe this is the second milestone
    • How do we include outside groups?
      • Keep tasks for outside people very specific
      • We don't want things to get overgrown
  • First tasks that we need for our milestone:
    • (Cali) Finish the assessments for Alerting and Monitoring section (ideally seek feedback from devops/others after this).
    • Write section on deployment before end of next month, get feedback from new hire and input from senior eng/devops.
    • WRITE ALL OF THE CONTENT (not a useful task but really)
  • Note - new hires and open source community is our beta testing group.
  • Conclusions/next steps