How to change Professional Education seat to Verified
How to change Professional Education seat to Verified
When a course team incorrectly setup a course run seat to Professional Education and want to change it back to Verified.
Step-by-step guide
- Find course in Publisher Tool and edit and change the seat to Verified
- Note: If Publisher Tool does not allow to save the changes (usually due to current published run), use Django admin tool to change the seat type here https://prod-edx-discovery.edx.org/admin/publisher/seat/
- Publish the course run from Publisher Tool
- Find the course run in course-discovery Django Admin tool here https://prod-edx-discovery.edx.org/admin/course_metadata/courserun/
- Goto seats section and remove the Professional Education seat from this course run
- Find course product in E-commerce Oscar dashboard using course title (e.g. Seat in course-title) in product title field here https://ecommerce.edx.org/dashboard/catalogue/, it will return multiple product types
- Open product details with type "seat"
- Goto variants section and delete the Professional Education variant and save the changes, verify course ID before deleting.
- Delete the product with type "Enrollment Code" for professional track as well for that course run otherwise Publisher will raise error on publishing due to mismatching product variant for professional.
- Goto LMS Django admin tool and find course modes for this run here https://courses-internal.edx.org/admin/course_modes/coursemode/
- Remove Professional Education mode for this course run.
- Re-publish the course run from Publisher to sync data and verify that there was no error.