2020-11-12 Meeting notes

2020-11-12 Meeting notes


@Ange Romanska (Deactivated) @Hilary Gordon (Deactivated) @Adam Butterworth (Deactivated) @Eugene Kang @Gabriel Weinberg (Deactivated) @Carla Duarte (Deactivated) @Jeff Witt (Deactivated) @Olivia Ruiz-Knott (Deactivated) @Ben Warzeski (Deactivated) @Lael Birch (Deactivated)

Discussion topics










[Review] Tab variant: Underline styling

@Hilary Gordon (Deactivated)

@Hilary Gordon (Deactivated) presented the tabs proposal
L: Is this a variant or a replacement
Ange: Replacement
H: Right now, nav is being misused as tabs a bit, so we should attack the navigation problem to make navigation look less like tabs, and then this will be our highest level of tabs. We may need new styles for nested tabs.
Adam: Eugene is working on new tabs for the retheme.
Ange: I think timing-wise it fits nicely to wait for that retheme in 5 weeks.
L: Are we talking about rethinking navigation during the retheme, or should we talk about that in the next few weeks.
G: We are moving towards fly-outs as well, which would eliminate the need for tabs within tabs.
A: Let’s mark this as approved to add and we’ll start merging our work.


[Review] Microcopy guidelines

@Ange Romanska (Deactivated)

Microcopy writing guidelines
O: I had trouble understanding “avoid unecessary modifiers”. I understood when you explained it, so, maybe more examples for that and for “your” vs. “my”
J: For people with learning disabilities, it’s important not to be verbose, and don’t go beyond words on about the 6th grade level. I’ve never really run into instances of that here, and I think that speaks well of our culture here. We might be surprised that certain words aren’t understood by certain people. There’s an opportunity if we want to be thorough about this to add a language filter to our linting. I can send a couple of links and some sentences to add to our general guidelines.
Adam: Brought up concerns about using written-out numbers and how that can get complicated programmatically, and with translations.
@Ange Romanska (Deactivated) is going to make some edits around that.
C: Should we also put guidelines for buttons and alt text, etc?
Ange: Yeah, we can put that that here for now and move it as necessary.
G: There might be a few places we want to link to this document from. This seems like a carry-over from brand stuff. People not involved in the design system might be interested in these guidelines as well.
Ange: I’m going to connect with Lizzy and product manager on this.


[Discuss] Icons

@Adam Butterworth (Deactivated)

Transition icons from FontAwesome to Google Material. See notes here https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BRAND
L & B are in favor of an Icon component that wraps the new Icons.

Next Week


[Discuss] How to prioritize Paragon bugs

@Adam Stankiewicz

How should we prioritize bugs in Paragon? Thinking back to the a11y issue with the pass-through Dropdown from react-bootstrap where focus is not put onto first item automagically and the dropdown closes when an item is selected (which is different than the original dropdown, which would persist open while making selections).

Action items

@Ange Romanska (Deactivated) will bring up Navigation components moving forward
@Jeff Witt (Deactivated) will add some accessibility guidelines to the microcopy guidelines document
@Ange Romanska (Deactivated) and @Carla Duarte (Deactivated) will talk about microcopy on buttons, alt text, etc.


  1. New tabs component approved! @Hilary Gordon (Deactivated) and @Eugene Kang will merge their work
  2. Micro copy approved, will get additions from @Jeff Witt (Deactivated) and be moved to a new Guidelines section

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