2022-03-21 Meeting notes

2022-03-21 Meeting notes


Mar 21, 2022


  • @Adam Stankiewicz



 Discussion topics










Paragon training

@Ben Warzeski (Deactivated)

  • May need some consideration on improvements for training

  • Take a moment to understand what currently exists (specifics about individual components, etc.)

  • Pain point is similar for designers, too (per UX interviews)

  • Push vs. pull

    • At the very least, some sort of consolidated guide on “here’s all we have”

    • Some sort of more formal Paragon training

    • “Really well documented, but have to know where to look”

      • CSS or style things (e.g., some arguments, css flags, etc.)

      • Missing pixels values

        • @Adam Stankiewicz to look into whether we can we compute these values at runtime (to handle theme changes)?



@Gabriel Weinberg

“Invisible” layout components in Figma

  • Drag-and-drop layout components that can be composed

  • Controlled vs. uncontrolled responsive behavior

    • Layout components definitely uncontrolled

    • We might need more clarity/decision on whether/how components “own” responsiveness behavior.


5 minutes

Netlify billing

@Adam Stankiewicz

[question] Any update on the recently requested TeamPay billing information for Paragon’s Netlify account?

2 minutes

Paragon docs website URL

@Adam Stankiewicz


  • As a follow-up to the theme switcher addition to the Paragon documentation site, paragon-edx.netlify.app now redirects to paragon-openedx.netlify.app (i.e., including all routes; existing links still work).

  • Investigating how we might set up https://paragon.edx.org to be the primary entry point for 2U/edX staff instead of remembering the Netlify URL or finding the link from the Github repo.

5-10 minutes

Raccoon Gang update from technical side of things

@Adam Stankiewicz

Raccoon Gang (technical) work:


  • Adding Segment to docs site.

    • @Adam Stankiewicz to file ticket to create Segment & Google Analytics properties.

  • Multiselect component

  • Remove font-awesome from Paragon.

    • Fun fact: 31% of Paragon’s bundle size is from font-awesome

  • Discovery: creating some initial docs around future Bootstrap 5 upgrade and what that might look like for us.

  • Improving testability for technical Paragon consumers (e.g., export constants, add “Testing considerations” section to component docs).

  • (ongoing) Built-in i18n for Paragon components

    • Setting up transifex pipelines, etc.







 Action items
