2022-05-16 Meeting notes

2022-05-16 Meeting notes


May 16, 2022


  • @Adam Stankiewicz



 Discussion topics





@Adam Stankiewicz

  • Jira/Confluence migration… what does it mean for Paragon?

    • E.g., we can’t write tickets in the Paragon board on the 2u-internal Jira instance since Raccoon Gang and other community members can’t see them.

    • Natalia recommends potentially moving away from openedx instance of Jira/Confluence, since there’s no guarantee tCRIL will keep the openedx instance.

@Adam Stankiewicz

[question] Where do we stand on lo-fi vs hi-fi mockups? Is it possible for designers to create lo-fi designs with Paragon?

@Gabriel Weinberg

Paragon document: Where we came from, where we are, where do we go next?


 Action items
