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5-10 mins | Selectable Box | @Max Frank | Notes: Card has a title prop and an actions prop Consider finding a pattern that could apply to other components. Dismiss logic is controlled
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10 min | Full-screen modal, stepper, product tour. | @Alena Egorova | Create a branded color variant of the listed components. Figma Notes: Likely not a variant of the component today CSS overrides to accomplish the designs today Future state of design tokens can make this kind of work easier to implement How do custom colors for overriding the step bubbles interact with disabled/error states?
| [inform] Paragon NPM releases currently blocked due to openedx/cla status check | @Adam Stankiewicz | negative impact: semantic-release bot can’t do what it usually does. temporary fix is to disable openedx/cla status check unclear what next steps for longer term solution is. Can semantic-release open a PR?
3 min | MFE Domains (aka Container SPAs with Module Federation) | @Adolfo Brandes | Why relevant? We’d potentially be using the same version of Paragon for all MFEs (in a domain). Very (very) early OEP draft (PR). Nothing final. tCRIL is going to fund discovery into this Looking for early reality check
2 min | Update on UX coordination meeting | @Adolfo Brandes | |