2022-11-09 Paragon Meeting notes


Nov 9, 2022


  • @Gabriel Weinberg



 Discussion topics










5-10 mins

Selectable Box


@Max Frank

  • We have a design request for what is effectively a dismissible SelectableBox component

    • Is this something that should be built into SelectableBox or Alert as a variant?

    • OR does this potentially warrant creating a new component?


  • Card has a title prop and an actions prop

    • use the “X” icon and add dismiss logic on MFE

    • role=”button”

  • Consider finding a pattern that could apply to other components.

  • Dismiss logic is controlled




10 min

Full-screen modal, stepper, product tour.

@Alena Egorova

Create a branded color variant of the listed components.



  • Likely not a variant of the component today

  • CSS overrides to accomplish the designs today

  • Future state of design tokens can make this kind of work easier to implement

  • How do custom colors for overriding the step bubbles interact with disabled/error states?

    • Example: if the custom primary theme color is similar to this error color, is it clear that the error has occurred?



[inform] Paragon NPM releases currently blocked due to openedx/cla status check

@Adam Stankiewicz

  • negative impact: semantic-release bot can’t do what it usually does.

  • temporary fix is to disable openedx/cla status check

  • unclear what next steps for longer term solution is.

  • Can semantic-release open a PR?


3 min

MFE Domains (aka Container SPAs with Module Federation)

@Adolfo Brandes

  • Why relevant? We’d potentially be using the same version of Paragon for all MFEs (in a domain).

  • Very (very) early OEP draft (PR). Nothing final.

    • Adam, would you be interested in being arbiter? Anybody else?

  • tCRIL is going to fund discovery into this

  • Looking for early reality check

2 min

Update on UX coordination meeting

@Adolfo Brandes

  • tCRIL will pick one in-progress frontend project and get UX stakeholders to meet/coordinate (as opposed to a recurring, global UX meeting)

 Action items
