2023-03-24 Meeting notes

2023-03-24 Meeting notes


Mar 24, 2023


  • @Adam Stankiewicz



 Discussion topics










[inform] Core Contributor Nomination & Next Steps

@Adam Stankiewicz

Core Contributor Nomination: Viktor Rusakov


[inform] Adam’s capacity is still towards Paragon is limited for the time being.

@Adam Stankiewicz

Just a heads up, my capacity is still limited due to my engineering management’s request to focus 95+% of time on a large Enterprise project.

I hope to carve out some time during the Open edX conference next week to catch up on Paragon-related things.


Paragon & the Open edX Conference

@Adam Stankiewicz

  • Goal is to get this document into a good place by EOD Monday:State of Paragon Working Group (March 2023) (all the other Working Groups seem to have one).

  • 30 minute birds of a feather / roundtable discussion on Friday at 3pm.


[inform] Fixed automated syncing of masteralpha

@Adam Stankiewicz

Fixed the automated syncing between masteralpha.

  • Seemed to be broken because the edx-requirements-bot user lost its permission to bypass the branch protection rule of requiring at least PR approval.

  • I updated the repo settings to allow edx-requirements-bot to bypass the PR approval rule again.

  • If/when it breaks again, we can try updating the GitHub workflow to auto-approve gneerated PR, too.


[inform] Raccoon Gang Invoices

@Adam Stankiewicz

I will start monitoring and approving the Raccoon Gang financial invoices moving forward based on a request from my Director of Engineering (George Babey). TBD when this will start.


[inform] Merged PRs

@Adam Stankiewicz


Independently compile Paragon core/theme variant CSS

@Adam Stankiewicz

[BD-46] feat: Paragon theme CSS is built and published independently of consuming applications by PKulkoRaccoonGang · Pull Request #2102 · openedx/paragon

  • Code in PR looks good.

  • Appears to be missing node_modules in package.json that the PostCSS config relies on.

    • Trying to use Paragon via module.config.js in frontend-app-profile throws an error about missing modules.

    • Once installed, frontend-app-profile runs.

  • Not sure the @custom-media is working when using the newly generated core.css and light.css CS files in frontend-app-profile.

.profile-avatar-wrap { // the below properties don't seem to get applied in the MFE @media (--pgn-size-breakpoint-md) { max-width: 12rem; margin-right: 0; margin-top: -8rem; margin-bottom: 2rem; } }

 Action items
