2023-04-05 Paragon Meeting notes

2023-04-05 Paragon Meeting notes


Apr 5, 2023


  • @Gabriel Weinberg (Deactivated)



 Discussion topics









5 min

paragon-working-group GitHub team

Brian S

  • It’s not clear what the purpose of this team on GH is, can it be removed/merged into paragon-triage?

  • Decision to remove this team is probably fine, connect in slack with other team members to quick check

10 min

Open edX conference debrief


  • Digitize stickies from PWG exercise at the Open edX conference (e.g., into a FigJam).

  • Typescript topic, is there a thread on this we can follow up on and continue?

  • Kira’s team is pioneering typescript code and will encourage her team to come to PWG for demo

  • Linking to insights for components within competent documentation pages

  • Lots of excitement around design tokens and runtime theming, there is a small site running tokens today via Paragon’s alpha release.

  • JSON tokens UI is the next level up

  • Build in WCAG conformance for contrast for instance


5 minutes

tab stops on <Hyperlink> card


  • Jeff pointed out that the marketplace card had 2 tab stops but it seemed like the example in the Paragon docs also had two tab stops

  • Seems Yes, it is a bug.


Studio-specific UI components.


Hackathon project for housing studio-specific components that encapsulates business logic and studio-specific UI components.

These components will compose Paragon components, but




Form switch custom colors to match calendar blocks

3:1 contrast


 Action items

@Brian Smith to follow up with other members of the PWG GH team in case there is a need to keep it
@Kaleb Davenport write issue for tab stops on the card
@Brian Smith create issue for linking insights on individual component pages (done: Add direct links to component insights from component documentation pages · Issue #2179 · openedx/paragon )
@Kira Miller encourage team member to attend PWG and demo typescript work
@Gabriel Weinberg (Deactivated) digitize sticky notes from in-person working session at Open edX conference


  1. Sunset the PWG GH team

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