2023-04-26 Paragon Meeting notes

2023-04-26 Paragon Meeting notes


Apr 26, 2023


  • @Adam Stankiewicz

  • @Viktor Rusakov



 Discussion topics










New Core Contributor

@Adam Stankiewicz

[inform]@Viktor Rusakov is now a Core Contributor to Paragon and, more broadly, Open edX, with merge rights to all frontend repos.

This means Raccoon Gang’s work in Paragon will no longer be blocked by Adam needing to do the final PR review and merge to master.

It also means there is another reviewer/merger available to assist with OSPRs to Paragon.


Design tokens update regarding CSS utility classes

@Adam Stankiewicz

[inform] We merged in the PR from Andrey at eduNext to add support for CSS variables rather than the HEX values in the generated CSS utility classes from the design tokens build.

feat: add custom variables to utility classes by andrey-canon · Pull Request #2022 · openedx/paragon




AlertModal variants were released. Thanks for the contribution @Kristin Aoki !



Paragon documentation site navigation re-design

@Viktor Rusakov

[inform] We recently released a new re-design of the Paragon documentation site’s navigation.



Tabs component design

@Viktor Rusakov

Is the design for Tabs component final or is it still a work in progress?


Paragon sandbox/playground demo

@Viktor Rusakov

At one of the previous meetings an idea came up for creating a Paragon Playground page that would allow engineers / designers to test how components are displayed and working together.

We’ve done some investigation and tried to implement a sandbox page for Paragon with playroom package similar to how Polaris does it. Here’s a deploy preview link to play around.

Looking for feedback on whether this would be useful to Paragon users!

Notable disadvantage so far of using playroom is that it seems to be nearly impossible to customize the UI. (without forking the whole repository that is)


  • Can it be deployed today?

  • How can we collect input from users to make it better?

  • Maybe we can pair with folks to see how they like to use it

  • Can it include a header with a feedback link, maybe an automated github issue

  • Can we announce release?

  • Maybe automated suggestion box that creates github issues we can review, similar to shopify polaris

  • Action item to explore adding a feedback link to the site, should it be on each page and populate a github issue?

Documenting the path to becoming a Core Contributor for Paragon

@Adam Stankiewicz

[discussion] It may make sense to more concretely define the path to becoming a Core Contributor in the Paragon space to continue growing the number of available reviewers/mergers of PRs.

  • What factors are important to consider when defining a “rubric” of the prerequisites for becoming a Core Contributor towards Paragon?

    • Adhering to conventions/standards in the code repository.

    • ???

  • Do any other repos/components provide similar guidance/documentation that we could borrow from?

  • Where should such documentation live?

  • Other questions?

 Action items


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