February 27th, 2020
Date, time, and location
Thursday, February 27th, 15:00 UTC (time converter)
Video recording
Meet & greet newcomers if any
Recap of agenda items - any to add? comments?
Discourse thread - Created and posted in the forum last week, where to find it
List of architectural investments listed by Nimisha: Needed Architecture Investments
Update on the proposed architectural investments and share what edX is committed to doing in the next few month
See where others can commit to helping on this front.
Marketing workgroup follow-up. Started to recap the task on Discourse and we hope to organize the first meeting and some first task asap
Commitments - How do we record what we each commit to do, and for when? To have more precise goals for each contributor.
APIs & plugins - How can we figure out what Python APIs would be needed to make a given component fully extractable as a plugin?
Build/Test/Release working group: how can we best collaborate around this PR? https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/23183
Chat log
00:04:25 Xavier Antoviaque: https://discuss.openedx.org/t/open-edx-contributors-meetup/1450
00:04:57 Xavier Antoviaque: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/COMM/pages/1218445856/February+27th+2020
00:07:04 Marco Morales: I can hear now
00:14:32 vvoous: +1 - GR can assign developer for this purpose
00:16:50 Felipe: I'll ask around in our team as well
00:25:48 Felipe: https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/23183 right?
00:26:03 Ned Batchelder: yes
00:29:25 Régis B.: (totally unrelated: I just discovered the "mute" keyboard shortcut on zoom, it's alt+a)
00:34:42 stetrabby: ok. let’ see where is the problem
00:37:19 Régis B.: https://discuss.openedx.org/t/list-of-proposed-marketing-activities/1492
00:41:20 Nimisha Asthagiri: Questions from Stephanie, our CMO:
00:41:28 Nimisha Asthagiri: - Can you share a 'missed' opportunity where you could have marketed Open edX, but were not able to for whatever reason?
- Can you share a few key resources (artifacts like documents/files/etc) that you would want at your disposal?
- What key resources would you, as the Open edX community, want to drive creation of and what key resources would you look to edX marketing to provide?
00:45:56 Marco Morales: I only know I have badges because Ned Told me I have Badges, Badge.
00:50:45 Régis B.: I am actively pursuing all possible badges, of course.
00:58:39 Marco Morales: Well, a restriction for everyone. Even edX pays for development time :)
01:01:20 stetrabby: thank you all! see you
To join
Write to any participant to be added to the meeting invite, eg. xavier@opencraft.com
Forum thread