Significant Contribution Index

Significant Contribution Index

The significant contribution workflow, as described here, generates a number of documents.  While you can use a variety of tools to create the documents (we favor Google Docs) they need to end up on this wiki where they can be easily searched and referenced.

To upload a finished document to the wiki, you'll need to do the following:

  • Create a new wiki page with the name of your file.  This page should be listed under "Significant Contribution Index" in the page tree. 
  • Upload your file by selecting "import word document".  If your file is not in a word document format, you may need to manually move the information over.
  • Add a link to the file in the index below.

If you have trouble with any of these steps contact the open source team and we'll be happy to help.

Documents should be referred to by type and by group ID.  For example, the design document for the "Creative Commons Content Reuse" group would be DD-01.

The final form of the goals, design and implementation planning documents will be on this wiki.  If you are linking to a "living" version of the document, such as a google doc, please add an "(in progress)" notation.

Group IDContribution name/titleGoals DocumentDesign Document(s)Implementation Planning Document(s)Other relevant notes & links (ex: OEPs)
01Creative Commons Content ReuseGD-01 (in progress)