Coding Contributors Materials

Coding Contributors Materials

Who are Code Committers?

See Core Contributor Role Definitions | Code contributors Sarina


Having a more inclusive Committers group leads to a more vibrant platform ecosystem that fosters:

  • stronger innovative collaboration with the Open edX community

  • increased developer velocity that accelerates platform advancement

  • increased developer capacity to own and maintain the platform


High Level Contributing Guidelines

  • Technical changes must be reviewed by other contributors and should align with the maintainers goals for the component.

    • Before making large technical or architectural changes, be sure to communicate your ideas with the other engineers that work in that area and make sure everyone is aligned on the impementation. These discussions should take place on issues in the relevant repo or in the discussion forums if they span multiple repositories.

  • Any user-facing change should go through Open edX Product Review prior to starting on coding. This process is described: How to submit an open source contribution for Product Review

    • Once a change has passed through product review, implementation may begin. If, during implementation, it is discovered that the approved design cannot be coded for one reason or another, the product review discussion thread should be re-opened and alternatives discussed until agreement is reached.

    • Code reviewers of a user-facing change should read through the product review discussion to ensure they are reviewing and approving only a design that the product team has approved.