[BD-14] Sync 2020-06-24
OpenCraft is working on vision documents for major components of project.
Almost ready for edX review; will send along soon.
Adolfo’s questions for edX:
Are there any Studio MFEs currently? Will we need a new header/footer?
No and yes.
There exists GitHub - openedx/frontend-app-authoring: Front-end for the Open edX Studio experience, implemented in React and Paragon. , a future Studio MFE for blended dev, but it’s empty now.
@Kyle McCormick (Deactivated) says that edX Master’s team is planning on using it soon. He’ll coordinate with them to see if there is overlap on header/footer work.
How to transfer repo to edX org?
@Dave Ormsbee (Deactivated) can do that.
How will the MFE be deployed?
It’ll need a GoCD pipeline. We can handle that (needs follow-up @Kyle McCormick (Deactivated))
What is the MFE state of the art that should be used as a basis?
GitHub - edx/frontend-app-payment is what he is using now.
Dave recommends GitHub - openedx/frontend-app-learning: Front-end for the Open edX course experience, implemented using React and Paragon.
Adolfo: Doesn’t seem to use sagas, etc., unlike payment
Nimisha: Usefulness of sagas currently in question here.
Nimisha recommends GitHub - openedx/frontend-template-application: A template repository for creating Open edX frontend applications. 💿➡️📀
David Joy is the go-to for the “what’s currently the right way to do frontends at edX?” question.
studio-frontend is a thing ; react pages are iframed into Studio. That’s not what we want, right?
That’s old-world; don’t worry about it.
This project will be an honest MFE, linked to by current Studio.
Adolfo: MFEs are a big step forward; props to edX.
Nimisha: Let us know @Former user (Deleted) about any MFE developement pain points, missing documentation, etc.
Adolfo: Dropped TypeScript because lack of types in frontend-platform & paragon made it more annoying than useful.