Meeting notes (2)

Incomplete tasks from meetings

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
Feanil Patel2024-04-18 Meeting notes
Feanil Patel2024-04-18 Meeting notes
  • Feanil Patel A quick how-to for updating an open-edx Python libraries to Python 3.11/12
Feanil Patel2024-03-28 Meeting notes
Adolfo Brandes2024-03-14 Frontend Working Group Meeting Notes: TypeScript and Plugins
  • Muhammad Abdullah Waheed Khan and Bilal Ahmad were tasked with further exploring and testing the proposed approach to managing TypeScript configurations by merging changes into the alpha branch of the frontend build and assessing its impact across other MFEs
Muhammad Abdullah Waheed Khan2024-03-14 Frontend Working Group Meeting Notes: TypeScript and Plugins
  • Feanil Patel create a doc for potential models for maintaining edx-platform, including a top line list of problems we’re trying to solve for edx-platform.
Feanil Patel2024-03-07 Meeting notes
  • Adolfo Brandes offered assistance to David Joy regarding setting up Tutor for development.
Adolfo Brandes2024-03-14 Frontend Working Group Meeting Notes: TypeScript and Plugins
  • Jeremy Ristau to make sure that the internal audit of ownership at 2U will end with an update to CODEOWNERS file to make that mapping public.
Jeremy Ristau2024-02-08 Meeting notes
  • Adolfo Brandes will write up a ticket describing the React.lazy() + publicPath issues encoutered in the run-up to the Quince release
Adolfo Brandes2023-12-14 Frontend Working Group Meeting Notes
  • Adolfo Brandes Get a more dangerous-looking warning on the moved packages (paragon and brand-openedx), such as this one
Adolfo Brandes2023-12-14 Frontend Working Group Meeting Notes

All meeting notes