October 8, 2020 meetup: Panorama Analytics

October 8, 2020 meetup: Panorama Analytics

Date, time, and location

WHEN: Thursday, Oct 8th 2020, 1pm EST US / 17:00 UTC. (time converter)

Recording: https://youtu.be/iftM9WDtflQ

Previous recordings are in the Community Meetups playlist.

Would you like to present something? Let us know!


  • Community Release (Koa) update, build/test/release working group

  • Andrés González: Panorama Analytics

    • Panorama is a new analytics engine that enables organizations using Open edX software create their own management dashboards to meet their unique needs.

    • Most of the existing Open edX analytics tools are course-focused, as the MOOC dynamic provide valuable insights with this perspective. But for other use-cases, a more comprehensive approach is needed.

    • https://www.aulasneo.com/en/panorama-analytics/

Chat from the event:

13:23:48 From Pierre Mailhot : Are you only handling active courses? Or are you also handling archived courses? 6 years of tracking logs is a lot to handle in our case for example.
13:26:53 From Florian Haas : Q: Since this is all based on AWS, what are your thoughts for Open edX platforms that are subject to GDPR in light of the Schrems II ruling and the death of Privacy Shield? Specifically, does Panorama reliably scrub personally identifiable information at extraction time, before it uploads into S3?
13:28:06 From David Adams : How real-time could this system be made for an EdX system with 1 million users?
13:33:00 From Manish : QuickSight costing model is big concerns for large user base.
13:54:40 From Felipe Espinoza : QuickSight seems to be $0.30 for a 30-minute session up to a maximum charge of $5/reader/month
13:56:59 From Esteban Etcheverry : https://discuss.openedx.org/t/introduction-to-panorama/3314/4