OSPR Brainstorm Meeting notes 04/27/2021

Goal, What does success look like?

  • “Small” backlog

    • Few stale PRs

  • Increase quarterly merged contributions

    • Increase (or just measure for now?) edx-used contributions


  • Lead Time

    • OSPR tickets take long, don’t want to pull it into a sprint. 

    • Closing tickets after 2 weeks of no response after edX took weeks to not respond, it was very disappointing tickets.

    • Pulling 5 tickets into a sprint and not being able to close them, waiting for author to respond is frustrating.

  • Metrics

    • Also long OSPR resolution times make squad’s metrics look bad.

    • Burn down rate looks bad if sprints have tickets that keep lingering around.

  • Authors

    • Imposing rules on authors can be detrimental and seem imposing.

  • Squads

    • Squads don’t see OSPRs as priority, however, 60 OSPR per month for all of edX doesn’t seem that much. 

    • Squads feel they have more important things to do than to work on OSPRs

  • Tools

    • Is Jira too far away from where the community engages with our code for them to know to look there to find out what’s on our backlogs?  (problem w/r/t alignment on priorities)

Ideas: ⚡️✨

  • ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️(edX Buy-in++) How might we connect and prioritize squads with Open edX goals and community?

    • Open edX “buddy system” to establish stronger connections.

    • Can each squad have an engineer who is the OSPR manager for the squad?  (Engineer who can do a decent job of representing other members of the product delivery team (product, ux) and make informed choices about what sort of review is necessary)

    • ✨✨✨Do a consumer review

    • ✨✨Implement means for accountability

      • Standard dashboard to incorporate Eng Ops Review

    • ✨✨Seek more input from other team’s on their impediments, etc.

  • ⚡️(Process++) How might we optimize OSPR reviews?

    • Better distribution of OSPRs across teams (not all on T&L).

    • ✨Author should have as much time to respond as edX took.

    • Self-serve OSPR process

  • (OSPR API++) How might we clarify expectations of the OSPR process?

  • (Roadmap++) How might we externalize edX’s needs to the community?

    • How can we help the community understand what kinds of contributions we consider valuable? (and are thus more likely to review and merge)

      • I keep thinking about this line in our OGSP: “Align with community on valued contributions”

    • How might we use INCR tickets (as Github Issues?) to bring them closer to the code/community, where people might be more likely to see them?

      • Can we get product managers on other teams to use INCR as a mechanism to help their velocity?  If they receive OSPRs for things they asked for then they may be more likely to take them seriously.

    • ✨⚡️How might we create a shared roadmap?

      • technical/architectural to start - start with the domains w/i our control

  • How do we measure OSPR outcomes?

    • Better metric would be how much time a ticket was blocked by edX.


Prioritization Techniques:

  • See which things we can control ourselves versus requiring things of others.

  • Get more data.

    • OSPRs reviewed by core committers?

    • Segmenting stats by committer type?