2021-06-23 Meeting notes

2021-06-23 Meeting notes


Jun 23, 2021


  • @Marco Morales (Deactivated)

  • @Awais Jibran (Deactivated)

  • @Asad Azam (Deactivated)

  • @Julie Davis (Deactivated)

  • @Jon F

  • @Piotr Surowiec

  • @Kshitij Sobti


Blockers / Mini Retrospective

Milestone Grooming

Discussion topics












  • Many open pull requests limiting progress (lots of WIP here)

    • core committer access will help with part of this but not the full challenge

    • some of this is due to the size of the pull requests (API changes to support multiple milestones, additionally a front end PR is also large)

    • context switching also doesn't help here

  • In the future, goal is to try to limit size of PRs, have more tasks in Jira for this.

  • How to balance speed + quality here

    • reviewed are still critical here, TBD on what team decides for some of these larger pull requests.

  • Open architectural questions - how to address

    • ADR first model for these changes

  • Next step - generate list of open questions for what we want to do in the future (so we can answer what we do next)


Grooming Milestone

v1.2 → v1.14/5

Once this is reviewable by edx staff in production we can do a round of feedback / review.

v1.3 - Which integrations are ready, which have not been tested?

Ready: Yellowdig, Piazza,

In Progress: Discourse

Blocked: Inscribe credentials

Open Question: How to handle org or instance level LTI credentials for a given discussion provider.

v1.5 What is in flight?

  • Teams UI effort is in progress

  • Some additional cards / items here will require input / review from another team.

  • Plan is to split out the existing PR soon for review.

  • Add task for removing advanced settings for each card.


Open Architectural Questions / issue


  • What questions does the system want to be able to ask about the CourseApps?

    • What courses have this app?

    • What courses have this app and this app/ provider?

  • What is the impact to the class interface if we want to allow repos outside of edx-platform to eventually implement these?

Action items

Team to generate a list of questions for broader platform direction so that we can decide architectural questions that remain open
Spike / Discovery Task: How to handle org or instance level LTI credentials for a given discussion provider?
@Marco Morales (Deactivated) / @Jon F Task: Customer provider message / configuration rules (ex: Discourse requires PII, Yellowdig has org level configuration) TBD what milestone to associate this task with, potentially v1.5 (related to TNL-8339, TNL-7945)
Add task for v1.5 to remove advanced settings for each other cards.



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