Archive: Tutor DevEnv Adoption

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Goal: Drive adoption of Tutor as the unified, extensible, easy-to-use development environment for Open edX.

Project Board


  • @Kyle McCormick: Project Lead, Developer @ tCRIL

  • @Régis B.: Tutor Principal Maintainer @ Overhang.IO

  • @Rebecca Graber (Deactivated): Developer @ edX/2U

  • @Carlos Muniz : Developer @ tCRIL

  • @Maria Fernanda Magallanes Z : Developer @ eduNEXT

  • @Jenna Makowski : Open edX Product Manager @ tCRIL


Task tracking

We will plan and track this initiative in GitHub.


Epics (aka Milestones) are represented as issues on the Open edX community roadmap. To see all epics for this project, filter the Effort attribute for "Tutor as DevStack" (linked in Overview section).

Epics are also copied into the project board as a filter-able attribute. Stories can be moved between epics by drag-and-drop or by editing the value of the “Epic” column (see drop-down in the bottom right):


We will propose, refine, prioritize, and track issues on the Tutor DevEnv Adoption GitHub Project board (linked in Overview section).

By default, stories will be created in the 2u-tutor-adoption repository. Additionally, some stories will be included on the board from other repositories. For example, stories relating to the Tutor CourseGraph plugin exist in the tutor-contrib-coursegraph repository.


We will meet in this Google Meet room.

Meeting cadence: As-needed.


Open edX Slack room for logistics (public): #tutor-adoption

Technical discussion can go on GH issues, PRs, or the forums.

Requests for Tutor support are best done via the standard process: the Open edX forums. If necessary, though, folks helping with this project can escalate to Régis and/or Kyle via the #tutor-adoption Slack channel.


Meeting notes, retros, and other documents will be put here:

Other docs: