Core Contributor Offboarding

Core Contributor Offboarding

If you are a core contributor and you wish to terminate your Core Contributor contract, please reach out to the program administrators (mailto:cc-program-admins@axim.org) to let them know.

We ask that you provide at least 30 days notice. If that is not possible, explain in your email the time period you need.


We encourage you to announce your departure in an appropriate forum (likely #core-contributors on Slack, but some roles may have channels more appropriate to them). If you do not, we’ll post on your behalf in #core-contributors expressing thanks for your time in the program.

For Non-Coding Core Contributors

Please get in touch with your team(s) and ensure that your access to sensitive tools (such as the website, translation tools, or project management trackers) is removed by your end date.

For Core Contributors With Any Level of GitHub Access

If you have access to GitHub beyond simply “Read” access, please make an Access/Config help ticket (https://github.com/openedx/tcril-engineering/issues/new/choose) requesting that your GitHub access be removed on the date that you are ending your time with the Core Contributor program. Please be sure to mention you are a Core Contributor.

This applies to all Coding CCs as well as some other roles, such as Community Contributions Project Manager.

Note: When You Leave a Company

Leaving a company does not terminate your Core Contributor role unless you reach out and let us know. You may retain your CC status even if you have left an Open edX employer, provided you are planning to continue community contributions to the project. However, it is incumbent upon you to understand the terms of your employment at a future employer. Some employment contracts state that they own all the code you write while employed, even outside of work hours; contracts such as this are not compatible with being a Core Contributor. Please reach out (mailto:cc-program-admins@axim.org) with any questions.

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