Marketing Working Group

Contact the organizers today to find out how you can get involved! 

Description: The Marketing Working Group is a group of Open edX Marketplace providers and AXIM employees, who collaborate on increasing the global visibility and adoption of the Open edX platform. The Marketing Working Group has added informational content to the Open edX website, generates blog content, optimizes SEO, organizes quarterly events, and much more.

Organizers: Eden Huthmacher (AXIM/Open edX) & Nicole Kessler (Abstract Technology)

Project Board:

Slack: join the channel #marketing 

Meetings: Bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 10 AM (EST) or 11 AM during daylight savings.


The Marketing Working Group leverages the experience and contributions of its members to provide insights and build shared resources that strengthen the open edX brand and support potential adopters across the different stages of their decision-making process:

  • Awareness

  • Interest

  • Consideration

  • Intent

  • Evaluation

  • Action


The MWG is open for anyone in the Open edX community to join. It provides an opportunity to help expand the global reach of the Open edX project.

Besides AXIM representatives, typical members are organizations that are providing products and services that leverage the Open edX platform, and this keeps them in close contact with prospective adopters of the platform across different sectors.

Membership is flexible. Anyone who participates in our conversations, bi-weekly meetings, and activities is a member! Marketing skills are most valued, but not required. 

Time Commitment

We suggest a time commitment of 10-20 hours a monthThis level of commitment lines up with the expectations of the Core Contributor’s program, which recognized the most committed contributors to the different Open edX initiatives. People are welcome to contribute and be part of the MWG even if they are not going to be Open edX Core Contributors.

Beside the group discussions, some of the activities you can expect to participate in are:

  • Strategic discussion on how to raise awareness and increase adoption of the Open edX platform

  • Website enhancements to increase consumer site traffic (addition of pages, features, and marketing material for external consumption)

  • Marketing and media outreach to increase the global awareness of the Open edX platform

  • Representing the Open edX project in public events, event planning and organizing (for both online and in person events)

  • Video Production assistance for marketing and other user materials

  • Content Creation: identifying blog content & authors, social media content mgmt., website content in form of videos, images, demos + documentation

How to join

Contact the organizers today to find out more and join our next session to start engaging with the group’s initiatives! You can also ask questions on the #marketing channel on the Open edX Slack team.


Project Board:

Meetings: Bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 10 AM (EDT)

Decision Making

The MWG operates as a Do-ocracy and makes decisions by lazy consensus.

Guidelines for MWG initiatives

This set of guidelines have been agreed upon inside the group members in order to promote that:

  • There are incentives for group members to engage time and energy to contribute marketing assets to the group as opposed to build / use them at the individual level.

  • There are fair opportunities for all members to participate regardless of the company size, and cooperation mechanisms to cross validate the information and the visions that will ultimately be promoted. 

  • The Open edX brand is used appropriately and consistently across all the different initiatives / activities.


Multi stakeholder cooperation:

Contributions from new members have special value in the group. 

When new initiatives are proposed, there are open calls for any active member of the group to take part, and the group will favor initiatives that actively engage more than one member or that have a cross validation mechanism among the group members.


Open edX branding and Sponsors branding.

Contributors of a particular initiative will be authorized to use the Open edX branding assets as long as the initiative is compliant with AXIM’s branding/trademark guidelines.

Contributors will be authorized to co-locate their own branding in the assets, in a way that makes it clear the nature of this second brand as a sponsor or contributor for this particular initiative.

Examples of these are the how-to videos series, which shall be branded as Open edX official resources, posted in the Open edX Youtube channel, and may have a short section acknowledging the sponsor(s) of the specific video.


Management of Marketing leads data.

When the marketing initiative collects or produces marketing leads or potential customer information, these records will be managed as AXIM’s property, and it will be AXIM's prerogative to use the information in accordance with their internal policies. Whenever the nature of the contribution grants the contributor access to these records….


Conflict resolution:

The group is committed to search for consensus and resolve any disagreements within the internal conversation. If at some point, a consensus can’t be reached, AXIM representatives will be in charge of moderating and ultimately make resolving decisions to avoid that initiatives are permanently blocked.