The State of Open edX / The Future University: Pivot to Learner-Centricity

The State of Open edX / The Future University: Pivot to Learner-Centricity

The State of Open edX


Date: April 27, 2022 10:00 am UTC+1, Auditorium

Presenters: Jenna Makowski • Edward Zarecor

  • Guest Speaker: Sergiy (Last name?) from Raccoon Gang


  • Dedicated to providing online and in-person learning

  • Open edX is a large focus, tCRIL will be providing stewardship and encouraging engagement

  • Technical Oversight Committee

  • Open edX Core Contributors

    • 41 Core Contributor and counting

Laying Groundwork

  • Platform - highway to AWS

  • Content - infrastructure for content reuse and understanding

  • Data

  • Authoring

Ukraine - Raccoon Gang

  • Government officials need education on Ukrainian language, students need to take assessments after finishing their high school career

  • Open edX is the only reliable way to deliver solutions both at scale and customized to specific requirements

  • Thousands of students who must take exam in a short 2 week period are able to do so with Open edX

  • Using Starlink to deploy

  • Supporting Raccoon Gang - Open edX


  • Do most students study from Ukraine?

    • 15% are studying from other countries in Europe

  • What age groups are primarily served in Ukraine?

    • Primarily secondary schools, some universities do use Open edX

  • Do we have a timeline for getting edX/2U into the core contributor program?

    • TBD, do not have a definitive timeline as of now

  • In terms of roadmap, how are you encouraging users to contribute?

    • Join Product Working Group meeting!

The Future University: Pivot to Learner-Centricity


Date: April 27, 2022 11:00 am UTC+1, Auditorium

Presenters: Anant Agarwal

The Platform

  • Most comprehensive learning platform in the work (We are the 5th education site in the world!)

  • We want the personalization of 1-on-1 tutoring but at a large scale

    • Mass scale with mass individualized customization and personalization

    • We can do this be creating small groups of cohorts to still give the feeling of individualization

Lifelong Learning Path

  • 2U has more degrees than any other platform in the world (200+)

    • They want to add MicroMasters to ALL of these

  • 89% of MicroMasters learners have had a positive career advance (promotion, raise, job change)

How Covid has changed technology

  • Since people have been online, it has become far more consumer centric

    • Movies → streaming, retail → delivery, doctor’s office → TeleHealth

  • How do we change education?

  • Four trends for learner-centric university

    • 1. Broad adoption of online, lifelong learning (74% of students prefer having online options)

      • Fun Fact: online education across time zones is accessed most commonly from 12pm-2am

    • 2. Growth of Modular, stackable learning

      • Some people want a masters, some people want a day long course

    • Shift to blended learning on campus

      • (person taking notes missed notes here because Anant posted a screenshot of our work in the presentation and I was excitedly slacking my team)

    • 4. Mapping learning to career-relevancy

      • 50% of employees will require reskilling by 2025

      • But 40% of workers could reskill in 6 months or less

  • 70% of faculty think online learning is here to stay


  • Why are students not as excited as faculty about online learning?

    • Most online learning that students have been subjected to is not the same quality. “Death by Zoom”, no active learning with videos and exercises ''

  • You talk a lot about stackable learning, what is your view on adaptive learning?

    • Big part of the future with personalized learning

    • Some math courses change path depending on the answers you give, Harvard developed tech that uses AI to track users project to recommend next courses/skills

    • Is it the answer to all our challenges? No, it does eliminate the team learning that can be very helpful to learners.

  • What sort of affordance do you see for areas without consistent internet or electricity?

    • Studies that show in 2025 that every person will have access to data

    • Open edX in a box

  • What kind of learner/instructor support are we looking for in the future?

    • Many teams are focused on writing training materials and training people as they come on the platform

    • 2U takes learner support to the next level, their bootcamps have an 80% completion rate

      • Mainly done with a large amount of individualized support with each learner

  • How do you see AI play a role in the online learning world?

    • AI and ARVR and advances in cognitive science can take learning to the next learning

    • Already using it in edX, used machine learning for learner support,

      • Experimental: Discussion forums, personalized tutors, and virtual proctor system all using AI

  • Given the “Death by Zoom” effect, what do you suggest to schools (maybe without a lot of funding) do to encourage teachers and professors?

    • Create short videos! Maybe look to the Green Brothers (John and Hank) for inspiration








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