Feature definition: Learners area
Learners tab will show the list of learners along with the filter status and filter menu as shown below.
Figma mockup: https://www.figma.com/file/LVFnO9oRHYiamoicZuXDAC/Discussion-page?node-id=5377%3A113859
What filter or sort options should be available for user list?
No filters.
Only sort by:
Recent activity
Most activity
Reported activity (only available for users having moderation privileges)
Default sort for user list:
Sort by recent activity when viewed from learner account
Sort by reported activity when viewed from account having moderation privileges (TA, Group community TA, Discussion Admin, Discussion Moderator)
What filter or sort options should be available for posts list for a selected user?
Preferably the same sort options available for
My Post
andAll Posts
tabWhen viewed from an account having moderation privileges:
When viewed from any other account:
To replicate legacy experience, we need to make usernames clickable. Once a username is clicked, the current user will be navigated to the Learners tab and show posts by clicked username.
Clicking on a Learner will display list of posts by that learner, just like in My posts
tab, as shown below. Except that there will be options to go back to the list of learners.
Actions | Mockup |
Navigating to learners tab will show a list of learners with an option to filter and sort.