Open edX Development Environment Plans 2U/OCM: Proposal
Purpose of this Document
The purpose of this document is to explain and compare different plans for improving the development environment for 2u/OCM employees, and ultimately to choose which one(s) we should pursue.
The Development Environment (DevEnv) working group was created in February 2022 with the initial purpose of facilitating the adoption of the Tutor development environment across OCM. Tutor is the current standard environment for Open edX deployment and is becoming widely used in the Open edX community for development as well. The latest releases were created without any devstack-compatible images, so anyone developing off the release branches (as opposed to master) cannot use devstack at all. See Archive: Development Environment (DevEnv) Working Group | Why Tutor? for more information on the initial choice to move to Tutor.
As the DevEnv working group worked on Tutor, it became clear that Tutor was not yet in a state where it would be a suitable development environment for most OCM employees. Meanwhile, as new employees joined and were onboarded, it likewise became clear that devstack was not fully compatible with new Mac hardware. Teams with new employees, along with members of the DevEnv working group, looked for quick ways to unblock the new hires. This resulted in two particular efforts: a cloud-hosted devstack, and an M1-compatible local devstack (with MySql 8.0).
Ultimately, we are working towards a development environment with the following properties:
Fast to install
Easy to maintain and/or regenerate
Usable by the broader Open edX community
Reasonably consistent with main production environments
Easy to understand
Easy to troubleshoot problems
On a user-level, we’d like the environment to facilitate developer experiences such as:
A new developer (OCM or community) sits down and within a short amount of time (on the order of minutes or hours rather than days), is able to start working on a task
A developer can easily recreate and trace a production bug in their local setup
A developer can easily create the test data they need for a task, keep it when generating a new environment, and provide it to other developers who may want to work in the same area
Possible Approaches
Optimizing Tutor for OCM development
Completed Work
OCM-specific instructions for developing with Tutor, including instructions for edx-platform, enterprise, and course_discovery: [Archive] Using Tutor for local development
Several issues created for and then solved by the Tutor team at tCRIL (easier mounting, fixing RCM)
Remaining Work
Reduce Tutor build time on each launch
Verify that Tutor can be used for edx-platform plugin development work
Filling out Tutor Adoption Requirements by Squad - 2U/OCM
Productizing the plugins created here Pull requests · edx/devenv-wg
determining the structure of OCM-specific plugins
Creating those plugins which make an OCM dev’s life very easy to develop with.
an opt-in beta group of developers at OCM once all blocking issues are resolved
Documentation and guidance on how OCM dev teams can add applications under their ownership to tutor
Strongly recommended and supported by tCRIL
We get on-call help from Kyle and Regis who are very interested in us adopting Tutor.
Consistent with most of the Open edX community
(I’ve started tracking blockers under the
label: -Kyle)Tutor is not fully optimized for development and still suffers from some slowness and missing features
For example, the default of rebuilding the image every time you want to run the service is very slow, especially as it for some reason it needs to collect assets every time
High activation energy cost to switching the entire OCM organization off devstack
Context switching between Tutor and Devstack is costly time-wise
Sometimes prune all images, which takes a while
Creating a cloud-hosted devstack
Completed Work
Functional infrastructure for launching an EC2 instance running devstack
Remaining Work
Monitoring and automation to avoid unnecessary cost of cloud devstack instances that outlive their usefulness (some of this may be cribbed from existing code for sandbox management)
Removes issues of 2U hosted macs having problems with sudo, etc
Allows for prebuilt AMI snapshots with complex data without having to wait for data provisioning at launch time
Potentially shareable, which makes Dev lives very easy
Could be used in conjunction with Tutor using same cloud-hosting tech
Incurs cloud hosting costs per instance deployed
That cost increases the need to throw away and rebuild dev environments, which can make it difficult to retain custom sets of test data until other tooling (like for OEP-37: Dev Data) matures
Another service which needs to be maintained (namely, the infrastructure for launching and managing these VMs)
Continuing incremental improvements to local devstack
Completed Work
Branch that solves the most acute pain points on Apple Silicon laptops
Remaining Work
Finish and merge the Apple Silicon fixes
Establish migration plan for developers upgrading mysql locally
Switch from Ansible-using images from the configuration repo to simpler images generated from Dockerfiles in each service repo - Switch to Ansible-free Docker images · Issue #943 · openedx-unsupported/devstack
People’s lives are made easier, work at 2U is sped up when Devstack works better/ isn’t broken
Duplicates effort from the Open edX community going into Tutor
Makes it harder to collaborate with Open edX developers who have already switched to Tutor (sometimes out of necessity)
Improving sandboxes for development
Completed Work
Remaining Work
Installing everything on a VM is an anti-pattern
Related projects
OEP-37: Dev Data (Deferred) — Open edX Proposals 1.0 documentation
OEP-45: Configuring and Operating Open edX — Open edX Proposals 1.0 documentation - Arbi-BOM is starting work on parts of this
Staffing - What are the top priorities? What’s important enough to preempt other projects in progress?