Data WG 2022-07-13 Meeting notes

Data WG 2022-07-13 Meeting notes


Jul 11, 2022


  • @Edward Zarecor

  • @Jill Vogel

  • @David Ormsbee (Personal)

  • @Vladyslav Zadorozhnii

  • @Igor Degtiarov

  • @John Baldwin

  • @Julien Maupetit

  • Sergio Simonian (DATUM/FUN)

  • Hodaya

  • @Maria Fernanda Magallanes Z



 Discussion topics










Action Item Followup

@Edward Zarecor


Action item Question

@Vladimir Susloparov

  • xAPI Anonimus User ID & event-routing-backends feature modification.

  • Connection between EDX and xAPI data.

  • Let’s postpone this until a time @Vladimir Susloparov can attend.


xAPI next steps

@Edward Zarecor

  • The ADL team recommended that we consider creating an xAPI profile for Open edX data

  • They also recommended adopting the CMI5 profile which:

    • is a general profile focused on the lifecycle of interactions with AUs – assignable units.

    • would provide strong interoperability for core learning data around things like “time on task,” completion, pass/fail.

  • Possible stories for an xAPI sprint:

    • implementing the xAPI video profile for the existing event routing back end mapping and adding conformance testing

    • modeling hint data as xAPI references rather than baking that data into core Open edX problem statements

    • creating a v1 xAPI profile for Open edX events that extends existing profiles like CMI5 and video.

  • Discussions

    • Ideally if we created an Open edX profile, it could benefit from and extend the GaiaX LMS profile that is in the works.

    • How would we handle the impedance mismatch between our events and xAPI in only the video space?

      • Seems like the right choice would be to extend to the “Interacted” verb.

      • Some examples of events that don’t correspond to existing Video profile verbs are transcript hide and show. We don’t think these interaction types are currently covered by the profile either.

      • Ideally we could get the interaction types adopted upstream if they are important.


Replaying events from the tracking logs to segment

@John Baldwin

  • Is there an existing mechanism for replaying a subset of event to segment.io?

  • The use case is that for some period events were not forwarding.

  • This isn’t a platform capability

  • The best choice would be tools that could process the raw logs files and forward events to segment.

 Action items

@Dave Ormsbee (Axim) Talk with ArchBOM about presenting the event BUS plans and progress
@Vladimir Susloparov To review whether he is able to map events to other LRS data now that we know that the external_idis what is being included in xAPI events.
@Edward Zarecor update the mapping documentation to reflect which ID is being used
@Edward Zarecor investigate whether we should be deprecating the platform wide anonymous_id.
@Julien Maupetit share the GaiaX work toward a general LMS profile when it has been migrated to SCM – GitHub?
@Edward Zarecor Understand what causes variation in hints presented to learners to inform xAPI mapping decisions


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