

This page is now frozen! Don’t add new items here.

Palm was released on June 14th, 2023. It is the 16th Open edX community release.

Palm is based on branches cut two months earlier on April 11th, 2023. If you have made changes on master or main since then, they will not be part of Palm, so please add them to Quince instead (unless you also backport them to Palm).


  • [ @Tim McCormack ] The Django setting JWT_AUTH.JWT_PRIVATE_SIGNING_JWK can be removed from CMS configs if it is still present, as it has only been used by the LMS for some time now.

  • [ @Kyle McCormick ] Tutor changes (these are generally collected from the Tutor changelog at release time, but I’m going to list an important item item or two here just to be sure)

Feature Changes


  • [@Tim McCormack] Themes that use lms.djangoapps.branding.api.get_footer can now include a link to a security disclosures or policy page in the footer of the LMS by setting SECURITY_URL. https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/pull/31413

  • [ @Phillip Shiu (Deactivated) ] Ecommerce now supports the new Stripe Payment Intents API and is no longer using the Stripe Charges API .[migration guide]

  • - [ @Ghassan Maslamani ] When building an MFE using USE_PURGECSS=true it would enahnce MFE perforemance by 20% ^[1].

This is not a dev-env friendly featuer, because it would increase build time, it’s thus recommend not to use it, for reptitve review/changes workflows.


^[1]: as measured by google lighthouse: ref frontend-build/README.rst at e6fd704cc67ad211c83b3acd6e538b771f713b5f · openedx/frontend-build

Deprecations and Removals

Based on estimated dates 2022-10-11 to 2023-04-10.

Smaller Deprecations and Removals

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