2023-01-09 BTR Meeting notes

We Date

Jan 9, 2023


  • @Dean Jay Mathew

  • @Pierre Mailhot

  • @Ned Batchelder (Deactivated)

  • @Kyle McCormick

  • @Peter Pinch

  • @Jorge Londoño

  • @Sofiane Bebert

  • @Ghassan Maslamani

  • @Maria Grimaldi

  • @Moisés González


 Discussion topics









5 min

New chair

@Adolfo Brandes @Jorge Londoño

Welcome, Jorge!

5 min


@Dean Jay Mathew

A fix was merged into olive.master, and there is a PR open in Tutor.

  • Should we create a process to create tagged release versions outside the planned date? This would remove the need to add patches in Tutor’s Dockerfile


Voting for Test Champions

@Dean Jay Mathew

I will be presenting the Test Plan for 10 minutes at the next Open edX® meetup on 1/26/23 and will also be announcing the Olive Test Champions. For Nutmeg I chose the champions myself to save time, but I would prefer this to be a joint decision amongst BTR members. We need to also differentiate between technical and non-technical testing champions.


Updating the Home Page in GitHub

@Dean Jay Mathew


5 min

Olive retro thread

@Adolfo Brandes


5 min

Q release naming

@Adolfo Brandes

5 min

Board organization: sprints?

@Adolfo Brandes

Regis raises that maybe sprints are not the best option for the group.

 Action items

@Adolfo Brandes will help onboard @Jorge Londoño as new chair
@Jorge Londoño will start a thread in the forum kicking off the “Q” release naming process
@Dean Jay Mathew will move the information in https://github.com/openedx/build-test-release-wg into this group’s home page in the wiki
Once the above info is in the wiki, @Sofiane Bebert will delete the info in the repo README to avoid duplication


  1. Instead of having Tutor apply patches on top of release tags, when deemed sufficiently urgent we will consider tagging the next point release earlier