2023-01-10 DevExp Meetup Notes

@Rebecca Graber (Deactivated)Jan 10, 2023


Please be advised: DevExp Working Group meetings are recorded.

Link: https://tcril-org.zoom.us/rec/share/Yjsq9VTr_UXtdK8vTEgPqNMgF859yB8zLoJWBo6u7IxwZ7NFWU2g-mSc0ej7U-Aa.81FqLRq_JO3DemFg?startTime=1673366304000


Meeting captain: @Rebecca Graber (Deactivated)

Notetaker: @Kyle McCormick / @Rebecca Graber (Deactivated)

Just hanging out: @Connor Haugh (Deactivated) @Régis Behmo @Zach Hancock @Pierre Mailhot @Maria Grimaldi @Maria Fernanda Magallanes Z @Jeremy Bowman (Deactivated)


Discussion topics








@Kyle McCormick: Type-checking your Tutor plugin

Cross Pollination

  • Tools/features/opportunities

  • Tips and tricks

  • Roadmap news


  • Each challenge should have a follow up action.

  • If you have an idea for follow up actions, add it.

  • Or if you aren’t sure, leave it blank.

  • We’ll discuss all actions either way.

  • Becca [2u -ArchBOM]

    • Not being able to do library development work for discovery in tutor

  • @Connor Haugh (Deactivated)

    • I ran into trouble with the tutor filters api

      • Kyle helped me work through the distinctions between:

        • Filters and filters,

        • usage of `COMPOSE_LOCAL_TMP` and `COMPOSE_MOUNTS`

      • Action item: I should comment on the output of below so it meets my needs

        • is Regis' attempt to do so I should comment on it.

  • @Kyle McCormick

    • the legacy frontend tooling in edx-platform is such a box of mysteries, at least to me

    • struggling to think of a way of avoiding pip install -e . from needing to be run when mounting edx-platform. I have some ideas but they all seem hacky (pip install -e . in an entrypoint script)

    • there might be a different form of pip install? bypassing the -e means we actually need a package proper to install

    • Regis: maybe have init scripts that run install -e that only run in development?

  • @Zach Hancock

    • Working with a vendor (Verificient) who is having trouble in their integration environment with certain static assets (web workers out of an npm package) needed by proctoring, it seems they don’t get built into the image.

      • still investigating


Meeting captain: Transpose action items into the “Action Item” section below.


  • DevExp wins!


  • Your Name

    • Your Item of Success to Share

  • @kyle


Suggested Action Items

0-2 minutes:

Last Time:

@Rebecca Graber (Deactivated) figure out why zach can’t edit/assign issues

This Time:


Meeting captain: Move any remaining action item’s to next week’s minutes.

Look at the board