2023-01-17 - Product Working Group Notes and Agenda

Agenda Items for 01-17: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hlI-vrMPSoLvUZuBz64G6-7K-ssNmSop/view


@Faqir Bilal

@Shelly Upton

@Ryan O'Connell

@Xavier Antoviaque

@Michelle Philbrick

@Tim Krones

@Edward Zarecor

@Sarina Canelake

@Jenna Makowski

Agenda Item




Notes/Next steps

Agenda Item




Notes/Next steps

Update: Project Status Updates: Product Narrative [prod-nar]

5 min

@Faqir Bilal @Santiago Suarez @Jenna Makowski

Product Working Group - Project Board • openedx

Blog post on survey launch: https://openedx.org/blog/help-us-make-open-edx-better-for-you-and-your-learners/

Results (anonymized) https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/arbisoft.tableau/viz/OpenedXProductNarrativeSurvey-Public/OpenedXProductNarrativeSurveyDashboard


Update: PRs in process

5 min

@Ryan O'Connell


 Review of Board and reviews in process

New view for Product Review tickets: https://github.com/orgs/openedx/projects/19/views/20

Proposal - End-to-end workflow for PR process


@Santiago Suarez

  • Goal: Unify discussions around workflows for how to do product reviews, roles and responsibilities

 REMINDER: Open for comments and feedback: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rHLCLxMXzOQ0Iwn-75FRJk4tC-5JTiE2G-bmA0sSISA/edit#heading=h.aq97vb363shz

Project Manager input into PR process

20 mins

@Michelle Philbrick @Tim Krones

Open edX Project Managers have been working to streamline the entire OSPR process and have been making changes to the Board workflow. They’ll talk us through those today and their additions to the PR Proposal

Notes beneath agenda:



Feedback from Open edX Project Managers (@Michelle Philbrick @Tim Krones ) on PR process:


If you are a product manager reviewing a ticket:

  • Look to the status “needs product review” to find tickets in need of Product Review

  • Write in the comments that you are the product person doing the review

  • Write in the comments a general timeframe when you plan to do the review (ie, in 2 weeks, in 3 weeks)

  • After you have completed the review, note this in the comments

  • DO NOT change ticket labels

  • DO NOT change ticket statuses

**All of the above has also been added to the PR Proposal.

Next Steps:

  • Product WG will start doing a regular review of tickets needing product review and using the meeting to connect reviewers to languishing tickets based on time on the board

  • Eventually, we want to get to a place where incoming tickets needing product review are connected directly to product folks who have SME in the respective area of the platform.