2023-02-09 Maintainers' Meeting notes

2023-02-09 Maintainers' Meeting notes


Feb 9, 2023


  • @Edward Zarecor



 Discussion topics










Round robin


Follow up on new summary page

@Edward Zarecor


[Inform] Pilot project management

@Edward Zarecor

  • @Gabriel D'Amours will join to help with project management work around rolling out maintainership.


[inform] Draft docs for major upgrades and maintenance task tracking

@Jeremy Bowman (Deactivated)


Maintenance tickets

@Feanil Patel

If you would benefit from having GitHub issues for the maintenance work, Feanil has push them onto your boards. He’ll do this when requested, pull, not push process.

 Action items

@Feanil Patel Will post the URL to the whiteboard in Gather.
@Feanil Patel and @Adolfo Brandes We need to document the standard for requirements bots for JavaScript repos.
@Edward Zarecor will schedule pre-RCA for auto updates to provide guidance for maintainers.


Renovate has been the de facto standard for managing JavaScript dependencies. We see no reason to change that, but we will document it so it is clear for maintainers.

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Set up Renovate to Automate JavaScript Dependency Updates
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