2U>T&L Repo Maintainership Process

2U>T&L Repo Maintainership Process


In early 2023, Open edX rolled out a Maintainership expectation for all repos. More details about Maintainership can be found on the Open edX wiki: Maintainership

The T&L team internally owns, and therefore has agreed to maintain, several repos inside of the Open edX Github organization. This page outlines the community expectations and T&L’s process for delivering on that maintainership.

T&L Maintained Repos

T&L is the official maintainer for the following repos:

  1. frontend-app-library-authoring

T&L plans to become the official maintainer for the following repos (throughout 2023):

  1. frontend-lib-content-components

  2. frontend-app-course-authoring

  3. studio-frontend

Community Expectations

This is the set of Cumulative Maintainer Responsibilities as defined by the Maintainership Pilots.

T&L Maintainership Process