2023-05-01 BTR Meeting notes


May 1, 2023


  • @John Swope @Ned Batchelder (Deactivated) @Jorge Londoño @Tobias Macey @Ghassan Maslamani@Peter Pinch@Maksim Sokolski Yagnesh Nayi, Fayyaz Ahmed



 Discussion topics









7.5-10 minutes

A github action to automate backporting process

@Ghassan Maslamani

5 minutes

Should we make olive.4 release

@Ghassan Maslamani

Reason to make it

5 minutes

Release notes PR started

@Peter Pinch

just started, at

  • I’m not a core committer on docs.edx.org. Should I nominate myself?

 Action items

@Ghassan Maslamani To create an example for github action that does back port

On my fork I added the action

  • On my fork I opened a test a PR on master

  • In that PR I added the label backport open-release/palm.release

  • When I merged the branch to master, github-bot created a PR on palm.master

@Ghassan Maslamani make it possible to test the frontend-leaner-dashboard on demo instance un sure how yet? As I am not sure which path to follow to test learner-dashbaord on the demo instance, folks who are interested to test can use my sandbox at: https://apps.lms.zaat.dev/dashboard with learner@zaat.dev and password: zaatdemo
We need a Tutor plugin PR to include the new MFEs
Reach out to @Matjaz Gregoric to discuss the Olive.4 release relevance and feasibility
