Subgroup: Campus/Residential Learning

Subgroup: Campus/Residential Learning



The goal for this focus group is to define the delta between where Open edX is today and where it should be to be considered a viable platform for serving matriculated learners and credit-bearing programs.

Incremental deliverables will be nested below for circulating, feedback and evolution.

Idea for this focus group inspired by two similar projects currently underway:

  •  Project at ASU - Mastercard funded initiative with the Ethiopian Ministry of Education to use Open edX as an campuswide LMS solution for 50 universities

  • Project with the Spanish Consortium - a grant from the EU to enhance Open edX for use as an on-campus LMS solution

Goals for the Focus Group:

  • Create a shared list of features and functionality required to make Open edX a viable solution for on-campus/blended use cases

  • Inform a vision/strategy for Open edX to serve this particular use case

  • Enable tCRL to identify and mitigate situations where partners are undertaking the same or similar projects in silos, or duplicating work unnecessarily

  • Inform prioritization of work/initiatives specific to this use case

  • Identify opportunities to co-create or agree on common interfaces/approaches

  • Function as a podium to generate funding for projects

  • Open question: How does this focus group work/support/align with the Community Product Working Group?


  • Strategic Product Concept Note/Brief

  • Shared list of features

  • Prioritization input



Area of Ownership

All features that support the "on campus" learning experience.

Active Focus

Current Initiatives

Join the Conversation

All public Working Group meetings follow the Recording Policy for Open edX Meetings

Slack Channel: #wg-product-campus

Meeting: 11 AM ET (Monthly on the third Friday)



Team Members


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