Agenda 31.05.2023

Agenda 31.05.2023

Meeting link Jitsi Meet

Meeting every two weeks at
Beriln, CEST (UTC +2) 4.00 pm
Boston USA 10.00 am
HERE: timeanddate.com

Note Taker for Contributor’s Meetup

  • Assign Role (past note takers were Cecilia, Nicole, Juan)

Preparing the eMOOCs conference

  • We need to find a date for a joint session in order to:

    • divide the different speaker parts of the presentations and the workshop

    • prepare the slideshow/fill with content

OKR Strategy Review

OKR Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10Ju_m1DgERpvfYaFrW7bu5XMU402UqVseCr7IRKBtzw/edit#gid=0

  • We will talk about the updates of the issues 1 - 8 of the above linked spreadsheet.

How-To Video Release

  • Eden will share a status update on the videos and their launch