2023-06-15 - UX/UI Working Group Meeting


Jun 15, 2023

 Discussion topics









10 mins

Update on the UX Approval Checklist

@Jenna Makowski

10 mins

Shared list of UX projects

@Ali Hugo

List started here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YBx_hb7OHyZj1y1uusJdznhAaGaR7C3_48QA9IVHIX8/edit?usp=sharing.
Feel free to add and edit!

20 mins

Redesign of the Files and Uploads page

@Patrick Kenny

  • Short explanation of the brief

  • Quick run-through of the latest design files

  • Open the floor for questions and feedback

  • Next steps?

15 mins

Anything else?



Meeting notes

  • Jenna requests async input on the UX/UI Guidelines she and Santiago have started putting together

  • We discussed the need for shared design files, especially for projects involving various organizations. For such projects it may make sense to keep them inside 2U’s Figma account. Viability of this option TBD.

    • In the meantime, we will test out the theory by moving the Content Tagging files into 2U’s Figma account

    • In a future meeting, we will discuss best practices for working in a shared Figma account, and come up with a (more or less) standard way of doing things

  • Ali shared the first draft of the list of Open edX UX/UI projects and asked the group to add and adjust asynchronously

    • We added a “decision-maker” column to make it clear who has the final say in order for a project to be considered “approved”

  • Patrick Kenny gave a very thorough run-through of the current state of the UX for the new Files and Uploads page (now called Files and Media)

    • We discussed whether assets should be managed on a course level, or on an organization/instance level. For now, the plan is to start with asset management on a course level and and wait to see how Content Libraries v2 is received by users before considering a higher-level approach

    • It is likely that the designs will be developed into a Figma prototype so that a round of usability testing can be run

      • https://www.userzoom.com/: One of the approaches that was mentioned for usability testing

      • However, we will probably use a similar approach to what was used for testing on the Copy/Paste prototype

  • The Files and Uploads project and the Content Tagging project are good first candidates as projects to run through the UX guideline checklists


 Action items

Everyone to add ideas/questions about the UX/UI guidelines as comments on the doc
Everyone to add to or edit the UX/UI projects listed on the spreadsheet
Ali Hugo will move Content Tagging files over to 2U’s Figma account
Mike Leary will investigate the possibility of adding more users to 2U’s Figma account