Agenda - July 12th, 2023
Next (quarterly) external conference to attend
LWMOOCs and/or EDUCAUSE (may require higher investment based on booth location)
LWMOOCs discusses the latest advances in MOOCs and has active workshops and poster sessions - sponsor info: IEEE LwMOOCS 2023 | 2023 Prospectus
Educause is a nonprofit association and the largest community of technology, academic, industry, and campus leaders advancing higher education through the use of IT. This is last year's exhibition floor plan ; find 2023's exhibition pricing and plan here The participants are mostly IT from universities , check the member list here: Search Results The members come to the annual conference to discover new technologies, networking opportunities, career upgrading
Next Open edX Meetup, covering AI and environmental sustainability:
Next Open edX Conference - South Africa
Open edX DemoX v2 course - please complete survey for feedback on course priorities: The Open edX DemoX Course - Community Input
OKR Review (starting at item 15): OKR´S MWG