Open edX solution for video transcoding / AWS support isn’t open source currently
HLS video support is low development, but quality settings and tools don’t exist yet.
Dates / Calendar Integration
Exploring current code, path to migrate is TBD
Adjusting Personalized Schedules
Improved Analytics
Other Future / Larger efforts:
Build Automation Improvements
Implemented Github actions (iOS) as build system for running unit tests, additional improvements possible (Android release soon as well)
Potential publishing path, connection to localization infrastructure, etc.
Cohorts / Discussion Cohorts
Time Gated Course Access
Timed / Proctored Exam Awareness
Prerequisite Courses / Subsections
Notifications Support
Localization Infrastructure / Automation
Discovery Search Filtering / Subject Browsing
Largest Efforts
Programs Support
Is discovery service a dependency here? Potential larger conversation necessary here based on other efforts.
Commerce Support
Initial research / discovery completed here, large effort
SKU management is a concern, iOS only allows 10,000 SKUs with price ranges, etc. How this maps to actual ecommerce system pricing is TBD, and similar open questions about subscriptions.
Mobile Vision / Direction
Slides / content to be shared next week
Beyond lightning fast full courses in your pocket, with support and motivational messaging to guide your progress through learning content.
Lightning fast - focus on performance and native development over web views of current / past, streamlined navigation, offline catalog discovery where possible, etc.
Full Courses - shifting as close to full offline interactivity as we can to provide the full course experience, includes exploring complex logic or even special mobile / tablet exams, etc.
Support and Motivation - Shifting to messages / conversational course home experience over course outline home with future potential to expand dialogue options between system / instructor / students.
Through Learned Content - Awareness of a student’s full experience beyond just a single course
Initial draft above, notes below
Non traditional learners being able to learn where they are
Global access and improved usability
Future Mobile Roadmap / Features
Early discovery still, have discussed a few items like:
Learning Site Selection
Improved Course Navigation
Has the team considered this option / path? - Marco gave quick summary of previous conversations on this (will update with notes)
Existing Mobile Applications
Should share with team that some links / documentation details on the edX mobile app repositories are out of date.