2023-08-18 Campus Meeting Notes


  • Updates (round robin style) on next step deliverables for in-flight project

  • Share tool for tracking fine-grained work - wiki space

  • Decide owners for remaining un-owned backlog items







Round robin progress updates (4min each)

  • RBAC (Bryan)

    • Updated the ticket on the roadmap yesterday

    • Tech specs are up for review and feedback, would like to close by Wednesday.

    • Have added one additional engineer.

    • Also working on permissions grid mapping all available permissions to roles, that is also posted in the ticket, want feedback by September 1 on the grid.

  • File Management (Bryan)

    • ***Note: This project has been de-scoped

    • It has been built out and is being tested internally. They are focused on bug resolution for now. However, still hopeful to get this into beta testing probably in September.

  • Aspects Data Platform, formerly Stats panels (Jenna)

  • Graded Discussions (Cassie/Jenna/Elizabeth/Aamir)

    • Jenna will kick of the spec work and UX/UI is contingent on product specs.

    • @Cassie Zamparini could potentially take over product definition for this feature.

    • We’ll discuss when @Jenna Makowski is back next week.

  • Studio Home (Jenna)

    • MVP Spec:

    • Have been working with Jon Faye on producing mocks

    • Have survey stakeholders to create a prioritized list of sorting and filtering options on the home landing page.

    • Mocks – early versions – were review this week.

    • eduNEXT is also interested in this work and are happy to collaborate when the specifications come together.

      • Does eduNEXT feel they are sufficiently in-the-loop?

      • Currently, yes.

      • Community will be looped in more fully after mocks are past a draft state

  • ORA rubric (Ed)

    • Plan for coordination of ORA efforts

      • @Edward Zarecor to schedule a coordination meeting with eduNEXT.

    • Are there specific deadlines for ORA rubric needs?

      • eduNEXT has a couple of priorities around extensions, files updates, and UX

      • For files, currently the course team needs to delete a submission to unblock resubmission.

      • Allow peer review / course staff review to happen simultaneously – need at ticket for this.

      • Allow for some team participation – very early discovery for this currently.

      • Want to explore the options of integrating open responses with anti-plagiarism with turn-it-in. eduNEXT is having a conversation with engineers at TurnItIn.

  • Central LTI config management (Fox/Jenna)

  • 3rd party plagiarism tools (Felipe)

    • Same update as above regarding TurnItIn

    • Daniel at 2U was speaking with TurnItIn about AI enabled grading capabilities. This doesn’t look like an are where they plan to focus AI autograding, only AI plagarism detection.

  • Flexible grading (Jenna)

    • No update

  • Credentials (Ed)

    • V1 one of this work is complete and back-ported to palm.

  • SF Integration (Elizabeth/Fox)

    • On the hook to write this up after ASU’s big September launch. Don’t expect progress until after the launch.

  • Blueprint/children courses (Jenna)

    • No update

  • Completion API (Felipe)

    • Similar state to graded discussions, would need an API for summarizing “seat time,” “time on task” as an element of the students final grade.

    • Not looking to precisely measure time, but rather have a notion of what completion means for a particular block and summarize that as part of grading.

  • More flexible grouping options (Felipe)

    • The did a proof of concept to bridge between cohorts and teams.

    • Started with cohorts because they are already linked to content groups in Studio.

    • Discussed with edu WG and reviewed Matthew Harrington’s review of competitors features.

    • Adopted their approach and are considering extending teams so they have more significance

      • Private discussions – current feature

      • Content group integration

    • This can’t live on a fork, so which teams should we ping for review to make sure we get feedback.

      • 2U and Axim should review

      • Don’t plan to implement all of Matthew’s recommendations, probably around 1/4.

      • Two must haves from Spanish perspective

        • Managed and free grouping of students – maybe managed to create, free to join

          • Includes connection to content groups

        • Assignment of instructor/TA at the group level

      • We should make sure that the RBAC doc captures this requirement for TA level permissions

      • Where can we get data about the relative use of teams, cohorts, group to help inform direction decision.

    • MIT prefers groups

      • Used for splitting exams and tests

      • Used for A/B tests especially for incoming freshman looking to test out of requirements.

  • Individual Student Emails (Felipe)

    • No update at this time.

    • Changing to focus student grouping may influence the design of this feature.


Projects without owners


  • Grading period