2023-09-19 LTI/Learning Tool WG Meeting

2023-09-19 LTI/Learning Tool WG Meeting










Product /UX/Spec Approach Document: Figma

@Cassie Zamparini

@Anna Aldric (Deactivated)





Recording + Transcript

Meeting Recording: Link

Meeting Transcript: Link


  • @Anna Aldric (Deactivated)

  • @Cassie Zamparini

  • @Emad Rad

  • @Jenna Makowski

  • @Michael Roytman

  • @Zach Hancock

Meeting notes

  • Roles & Permissions alignment: Definitions added here: Product Vision: LTI Strategy | Roles & Permissions Definitions (for MVP)

  • Request: Possible to create a flow chart that visualizes license ownership and expected behavior?

  • One proposal for a barebones MVP implementation:

    • We focus the MVP on the UI for course authors to add already-configured LTIs to their courses

    • All of the admin-level configuration that would happen in the Learning Tools Center could be implemented first as settings in the Django admin

      • Could experiment with wizard implementation in paragon - for any complex admin experiences, drop in paragon wizard and would be a consistent config experience across entire app

    • Following the MVP, we would do a V2 release that focuses on building out the admin UI for the Learning Tools Center

 Action items

Anna to create subpages: UX, MVP
Anna to meet with Brad (T&L PM), Cosmonauts (Michael and Zach), Jenna, Cassie (for further working sessions)