2023-10-30 Educators WG: Brown Bag Session

Recording Link

View the 2023.10.30 Meeting

Date and Time

Monday, October 30, 1pm EST | 5pm UTC

Meeting Minutes

For this month's agenda, we'll be having an open "brown bag" style session. Attendees can have up to 5 minutes to present on something they've built in an edX course that they are proud of.

1:00 - 1:05: Welcome and Introduction

1:05 - 1:45: Brown Bag sessions

  • A unique video strategy

    • Ildi Morris, Morris Learning Design

  • Automated code grading using OpenJupyter

    • Mohamed Elhayany, openHPI

  • AI-powered Math tutoring

    • Kent Fuka, Querium

  • Modifications to a canvas conversion (Video)

    • Dan LaSota, University of Alaska Fairbanks

  • Design simulated learning experiences using native Open edX functionality

    • Frederik du Bois, Commercial Director at Construct

  • Show & Tell Q&A

1:45 - 1:55: Axim Collaborative roadmap update from Jenna Makowski