Current LTI on Canvas: UX

Current LTI on Canvas: UX

Adding a LTI tool to a Canvas Instance

Example of adding Yellowdig LTI: Canvas LTI 1.3 Setup Guide [FOR ADMINISTRATORS] and Canvas LTI 1.1 Setup Guide [FOR ADMINISTRATORS]

Enabling an Added LTI in a Canvas Course

Canvas Course Author experience:

After the LTI tool is enabled by an admin, you need to enable the tool in the course.

  1. Navigate to your Canvas Course.

  2. Click on Settings.

  3. Click on the Navigation tab.

  4. At the bottom, enable the relevant tool by clicking on the 3 dots and choosing Enable.

  5. Click on Save.

Using an Enabled LTI Tool in a Canvas Assignment

Canvas Course Author Experience: How to Create an Assignment with an External Tool: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-add-an-assignment-using-an-external-app/ta-p/656  

  1. In your Module, click on the + button.

  2. In the popup window, make sure the dropdown has Assignment selected. Then click on [Create Assignment] and name your new assignment.

  3. Click on Add Item.

  4. Open your assignment.

  5. Click on the Edit button.

  6. Scroll down to Submission Type and choose External Tool from the dropdown.

  7. Click on Find.

  8. Choose the relevant tool from the list of available external tools.

  9. Add any relevant information in the popup window. (Note: This screenshot is specific to Annoto’s LTI window where the user enters the embed URL, gives the video a Title, and adjusts the Aspect Ration and Embed Size as needed [they are otherwise pre-filled]. Some LTI tools only require a URL.)

  10. Save your info in the tool setup window, then choose Select from the Canvas Embed Tool window.

  11. Add any other relevant assignment info (directions, points, etc.) and Save.

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