2023-12-18 Educators WG: 2024 Planning
Recording Link:
Transcript: GMT20231218-175828_Recording.cutfile.20231218213025810.transcript.vtt
Summary of work to date.
AI In Education Panel
Started an AI MOOC Toolkit
Capture snapshot of current community use of generative AI
Capture concerns and interests of the community with respect to AI
Understand what the community would like to learn about AI this year.
Poll Results:
Do you use generative AI in designing or building your courses?
58% - Yes
42% - No
Which of the following use cases have you used in your workflow (check all that apply)
66% - Ideation
66% - Summarization
66% - Text Generation
66% - Information Retrieval
44% - Image Generation
33% - Assessment
33% - Code Generation
33% - Other
Do you plan to use AI in the delivery of your courses?
77% - Yes
23% - No
Question: “What ways are you using AI in your learning experience”.
Support/Tutor bots
ORA feedback
Generating alt text
Question: “What are your concerns?”
Lack of deep learning, atrophy of critical thinking (primary)
AIs replacing tutors
Data Security
Educators not being able to use it
Question: “What would you like to learn about AI this year?”
Image creation
Find the “best” AI
Creating custom GPTs
Increased Course Development Efficiency
Incorporation into languag eMOOCs
Use cases with data on impact for students engagement and learning or design efficiencies.
How to use it effectively myself and to teach others for course development and assessment
Retrieval Augmented Generation/Custom Assistant
Adding AI to the Open edX platform
Open Discussion: What are you interested in learning more about this year around AI.
AI-powered tutors and “chatbots”
Similar to the Khanmigo product
I want to understand and be able to articulate (e.g. to learners) where the information from LLM responses is coming from.
What is the impact on students?
What is the impact on learning?
What is the impact for educators who are trying to teach students?
How can we give practical tips/learnings to our educators?
I want real/tangible examples
What can be done around enforcement when plagiarism is suspected?
How to increase accessibility for less technical students?
What can we learn as educators/course creators using AI?
Update Documentation Project
Goal: Make significant progress before the conference in July 2024
Call to Action: Volunteer for a section to “map” the new Open edX docs to the existing ReadtheDocs.
Join the “documentation” Slack channel for more information and to ask questions.