2023-12-14 Mobile Meeting notes


Dec 14, 2023


  • @Marco Morales

  • @Khanan Grauer

  • @Poornima Hanumara (Deactivated)

  • @Volodymyr Chekyrta



 Discussion topics





Q4 Recap


  • Quick Wins iOS / Android

Projects In Acceptance

  • Mobile API

  • Social Auth

  • Pre-Login Discovery

Projects in Development

  • Build System for Custom App Config

  • Dates & Calendar Personalization

  • Webview Discovery Experience

  • Webview Programs Experience

Projects In Discovery

  • Notifications Inbox

  • I18n

  • Deep Linking

  • Offline Mode (Text / Problems)

Mobile API Update Gaps

@Mian Khalid to share gaps in mobile API efforts. 2 open pull requests to review.

Following are the APIs being used for getting: 1. user's enrollments: /mobile_api_extensions/v1/users/{username}/course_enrollments 2. course blocks: /mobile_api_extensions/{api_version}/blocks/

unless these APIs are pushed to upstream, we won't be able to connect the new apps to our stage or prod environment

PR Updates

Discussed cross-team review of pull requests


 Action items
